TSF is now in pre-production on WIND ME UP CHUCK, the official story of DC legend - the godfather of Go-Go - CHUCK BROWN! TSF has the exclusive rights to tell Chuck's story and are excited to begin filming.

WIND ME UP CHUCK is a documentary feature directed by Jolyon Hoff and produced by Marc Ryan. We are currently in pre-production and reaching out to anyone who might have content (photos, videos, etc.) of Chuck from back in the day. Please email chuck@thirdstoryfilms.com if you have anything to share.
Chuck Brown is a DC icon and his journey has taken him from hustler (in the old sense of he word) to pop star (with his hit Bustin' Loose), and finally to a respected elder in the DC community.
Check back here and at the film's website (chuckbrownfilm.com) for more updates about the project.
“No complaints and no regrets, I still believe in chasing dreams and placing bets. So here’s to life and every joy it brings. Here’s to life, to dreamers and their dreams” -Chuck Brown